Good day my people, I greet you all my father's my mother's my sister's my brothers may the peace of God be with you all.

Fillanews is here again to surprise you with more

For those that are having stroke and you want cure or you have someone having stroke in your family, please go and help them with this remedy.

Everyone know this particular plnat, in English language we called it AMARUS (ewe eyinolobe in Yoruba language)

Look at that picture,so wonderful plant it work for many disease,it also work for infection, and also work for pile, hypertension, hernia,happendix, toilet infection, Diabetes any kind of body infection.

How to use this medicine

 Go and get plenty of this leaf fresh one, don't use dried one,you can cook it with your kettle or native pot ,boil this leaf very well.

After you have boil it let the person having stroke be drinking it every day,if it easy you can be doing it as infusion, daily basis if you finish eating your food you can take it to step down the food,if you are feeling tasty drink it,by the grace of God you will see changes and you will thank God..

that's all , finished....

Stay blessed with Fillanews